Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Verdonk versus the rest of the world

Amsterdam (Dutch) City Executive and Labour Party politician Achmed Aboutaleb accused Immigration and Integration Minister Rita Verdonk of using the murder of Theo van Gogh for political capital.

Minister Verdonk reacted by:
demanding an apology from Amsterdam city executive Ahmed Aboutaleb, following his accusation that Verdonk made political capital from the murder of film-maker Theo van Gogh. Verdonk called his accusation a ‘scandalous twisting of the facts’. Verdonk has also pulled out of a debate with Aboutaleb scheduled for Sunday.
This afternoon the issue came up in the Amsterdam city council in a motion supported by the Christian Democrats (CDA) and the Liberal-Conservatives (VVD).

Aboutaleb refused to apologize to Verdonk but said he was sorry. He refused to go further. The meeting was ajourned and afterwards Major Job Cohen issued a statement that the words of Aelderman Aboutaleb should be understood as a apology.

We will see how Mrs. Verdonk reacts.

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