(The grey chap on the right is Bolkenstijn)
Today, we have 1 million Muslims out of 16 million Dutch," Frits Bolkestein, an impressive center-right Dutch politician and former E.U. commissioner, began. "Within 10 years, they will have an absolute majority in both Amsterdam and Rotterdam. We are staring into the face of a shortly to be divided community. Muslims have the right to their own schools, so there is no teaching of evolution, gay teachers are not tolerated but anti-Semitism is, and the Holocaust is not a subject for teaching.Both Rotterdam and Amsterdam, the biggest cities in The Netherlands are ethnically divided. In Rotterdam the divide is very clearly visible, politically in the Labour Party captured by the immigrant block vote and the Livable Rotterdam, representing ethnic Dutch voters.
Bolkenstein mentions the same percentages of suspects of crime between ethnic Dutch and Moroccans I mentioned in my previous entry. This community is waging a war on the ethnic Dutch and also on other ethnic groups (blacks). As Pim Fortuyn used to say: "is it not striking how Moroccan criminals always hit non-Moroccans?"
Unemployment of immigrants has gone from 9 percent in 2001 to 16 percent today. Immigrants tend to marry women from their home country, and they have little contact with Dutch society except for the Iranians. Eighteen percent of Moroccan men are suspected of crimes, compared to 4 percent of Dutch men. Half the Turkish and Moroccan population believe their cultures are incompatible with Dutch habits.
So who decides that they are to stay? Do we Dutch people have anything to say about the matter? Or do we not have political rights, because we are white. As is common all over the Western world.
I was born in Amsterdam," he then said sadly, "and I resent the idea that the whole culture is to be changed. But these people are there to stay, and we wanted to draw attention to the dark side and risks of these changes.
(Author George Annie Geyer)
But today, that paradigm has considerably toughened; the Dutch are making it absolutely clear that they are not going to change their tried-and-true principles, which have made them one of the most prosperous and peaceful countries in Europe, for any immigrants.Definitely true! Although the situation leave much to be desired, The Netherlands is one of the most free countries nowadays with regards to the practical ability to critizise Multiculturalism and Islam.
We are witnessing a dramatic change in Europe, which men like Bolkestein see as underlined by a drop in national confidence in European countries over the entirety of the last century. The immigration problem, he says,
has to do with the loss of confidence in one‘s own civilization. It started with World War II, which was really a mass European suicide. Then, the rise of fascism, the Holocaust and the 1968 student cultural revolutions across Europe. There is no clear European identity today. This has a real impact on foreign policy.Indeed, it does. But as this meeting shows, the Europeans are finally beginning to face their problems, and to grapple with "the immigrant" and particularly with his too-often arrogant and insatiable demands upon another man‘s house. In this process, they are discovering again what it really is to be a European. In some countries, it may be too late. But in the thoughtful Netherlands, there is still a chance of working it out.
Unlikely. The trust between the elite and the people has dissappeared and without trust there is no possibility of communication. Also the elite is not genuinly interested in giving the people a voice. They think the present arrangements are too cozy to give up.
Bolkenstein did a good job in opening up the debate on immigration in the 90ies and he won a lot of votes with it. I voted for him repeatedly. The strongest anti-immigrant and anti-islam platform was on the 1998 national elections. Unfortunately Frits Bolkenstijn did join the government after his election victory, but instead made a nice career move by leaving for Brussels and becoming Director General of Directory General 4 of Competition of the European Union. The government was left to the "economic man" liberal-conservatives like Hans Dijkstal, who are pro-immigration. Thus the opportunity to slow down the Islamification of Frits Bolkenstijn's Amsterdam was lost.
Hans Dijkstal

1 comment:
Immigrants tend to marry women from their home country
This is not a problem. The problem is they aren't home.
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