I while ago I heard in a tram two Morroccan girls discussing how smart their father was. Father received 75 percent from the money he used to earn as a worker in a logistics centre. The benefit was granted because of health problems that made it impossible for him to work in his old job. But he was offered other jobs now and he was dodging those jobs because he did not want to work.
Shortly thereafter I encountered two Moroccans who dissapeared from their jobs. Really young chaps, in their mid-twenties, who had been working for less than 5 years. Both were receiving benefits for "health problems". One of the employers bluntly told me that he had seen it happening with quite a few Moroccans in his employ. He thought that they were scamming the system and know how to get doctor's certificates.
All in all the work participation rate of Moslims is very low. Something like 50 percent.
Today I checked a Danish blog: Viking-observer and Viking cited some interesting statistics from India which has a substantial Islamic minority. It has been living there for a thousand years. They ought to be intergrated by now.
But in literacy and in work participation India's Muslims are at the bottom of the pile.
Islam teaches the believers that the way to riches is robbing other groups and gaining jeyza taxes from Dhimmis and war booty. Labour is not appreciated as a way of gaining an income. The problem for Muslims is of course that it does not work anymore once a county becomes majority Muslim. Then they have to stand on their own feet or become vampires sucking from vampires.
Western Culture is a fusion of Germanic and Christian values.
Christianity teaches that the believer has to be the best that they can be, that the believers have to commit "ursury on the talents that the Lord gave them" as Jesus has said (Mattheus 25:14-30).
Germanic values tell us: "Go chop wood for the fire, and you will get warm two times, once from work, and once from burning the logs. Odinsstrength, this land is cold!"
East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.
Eyes all around,
check some of Steve Sailer's writings on the importance of genetic distance and IQ difference.
Genetic distance matters because people who are genetically closely related will establish more trust between each other than people who are less related.
IQ matters because IQ is not distributed equally amongst races and nations. If large amounts of people with a lower average IQ are made citizens of a nation this has repercussions for their ability to compete and be equal with the general population. Without hope to be able to compete immigrants will resort to violence and deceit to get "respect". Just look at the black ghetto niggaz accross the Western world. These people are not Muslims, in fact Islam would for them be an improvemnt.
Finally check Daniel Chapter 2 and read the whole chapter carefully. Then tell me what you think. Seeing that you have eyes all around you should be able to see the relevance of the prophesy.
"1. The Muslims were the ruling elite in India for hundreds of years. The Hindus retreated to the vilages/small towns. All our universities were destroyed completely and all the books were burned."
"A very large percentage of the underworld is also run by Muslims - so there you have it public charity or extortion."
Welcome IK, thank you most graciously for your presence and contribution, which I read with great interest.
Interesting to see that you write that the Hindu's repositories of knowledge were destroyed and that the Hindu's retreated to the countryside. We see this pattern also in Europe, with the Muslims taking over the cities and as such "decapitating" our nations.
I had already noticed in the Dutch newspapers that most Indian big time criminals have Muslim names.
What about the media in India? And the film industry are they making films about the Muslims in the underworld? What about the BJP. Are they exposing the agenda of the Left and the Muslims?
thank you for your post and the link to Koenraad. A treasure trove.....
I bought and read the books on Islam by V.S. Naipaul. Real eye openers. Because Naipaul is Caribbo-Indian he often gives a perspective that a Westerner will be blind to, which makes him a true enricher.
Thanks for the other link too. I have not read them all yet. I hope you understand :-)
"I've read Daniel 2, but don't see any "racial" messages therein. "
Well, it begins with the meaning of "racial". The meaning of "race" and "racist" has become totally obscured. Originally the word had the meaning of a people who were related by blood. So there was a Dutch race and a English race. In the wars between the Dutch and the English (17th and 18th century)there was already talk of a race problem, meaning marriages between Dutch and English and the loyalty problems for the offspring. In those days the idea of loyalty to blood relations was as uncontroversial as loyalty to family is now. The same goes for the time of the bible.
Later the term race increasingly started to refer to the Black and White divide and so the concept of Race started to become applied only to those VERY different races.
Let's go back to Daniel.
If one reads the whole book it is clear that the whole book is a comment on living in a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Cultural empire. The Jews are accustomed to self governance in their own Israelite Kingdom, but after the capitulation of their Capital Jerusalem in 586 BC the elite population of the Jewish capital is deported to Babylon the capital of said multi-ethnic and multi-cultural empire.
The empire like all empires houses many nations of people who do not look at the people of other nations they live with as people they share common interests and a common destiny with. So there is distrust and ethnic competition.
Daniel and his friends are taken as councils for the Emperor Nebuchadnezzar. Obviously the Emperor needs experts to advise him how to govern the peoples that have been incorporated in his empire. Something must be troubling the emperor because he has nightmares and they trouble him. So he asks his sages what his nightmare is and what the interppretation is. Only Daniel knows the content of the dream. The giant has a golden head, the parts below his head are made of baser materials than gold. Silver, bronze, iron, and iron mixed with clay.
The way I have been told the prophesy must be interpreted is that each metal represents a type of empire. Iron and clay represents an empire with ethnic groups that are too dissimilar to become one. The operative verse is verse:
"2:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so part of the kingdom shall be strong, and part thereof broken."
So the constituent parts of the empire sshall partly be capable and partly be weak.
And the parts that constitute the empire are:
"2:43 And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves by the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay."
So these ethnic groups that are part of this type of iron and clay empire will not become one EVEN THOUGH THEY INTERMARRY.
CONCLUSION: the Bible here instructs the reader that not all ethnic groups can become one nation. And the reason is that the clay is weaker than iron.
If you read the whole book of Daniel, most of it is a commentary of the conditions of living in a multinational empire. Like most of the Western world has now become.
Chapter three, the construction of a idol representing Emperor Nebuchadnezzar is a clear comment on the personality cults of multi ethnic empires. Because the inhabitants of the emperor are so dissimilar they only way to get them to march in one direction is by giving them a God-King to worship.
This is also why democracy in Iraq or Afghanistan or Yougoslavia does not work. Such multi ethnic nations will explode once there is no oppression keeping things together.
This is also why a policy for mass immigration is a campaign for political disenfranchisement of a free people. When the people start waking up to the problems that the presence of large masses of stranges in their midst pose, it has become time to take away their rights in order to keep the peace. And because not all the people wake up at the same time the policy can be effective unless the elite that brought it about is not aware of what it is really doing and does not really have the will to keep the empire together.
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