Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Doing rap

"De vliegende Panthers" are a group of 3 Dutch humorists. Their name means "The Flying Panthers". A few years ago I got a tape with a song they recorded about blacks in The Netherlands. A party secretary from the Labour Party in the Ghetto in Amsterdam - West recorded it for me. It has now been made into a children's act.

You can download it here:
Doing Rap

First there is the intro from the Children's program and then the song follows about a bunch of blacks who are too lazy to work and who dream of making rap music and making it big in the USA.

It is all in Dutch off course and hidiously bad sung (they are humorists not singers). The puppets more or less explain what they do. I hope this will make any sense.

This is broadcast by the Worker's Broadcasting Association VARA. Just imagine the level of cynism it would take about racial equality if this would be broadcast by a leftist group in the USA.

We live in special times.


Esther said...

What you're describing is supported by leftists?

Snouck said...

Well, that is to say they are broadcasting this. Poisoning the minds of our youth with racism. But they get away with it like Rob "kutmarokkanen" Oudkerk.


Snouck said...

What time is it broadcast? Obviously the song puts in words what a lot of people are thinking about blacks, judging by the laughter of the public.

Snouck said...

Isn't laughter about cultural differences supposed to be a good thing? They also make fun of stupid check-out girls from Brabant (province of Holland) and the next generation thirty-something house fathers who can't stand up against their feminist wives.

I think if you watched the show on a regular basis that would put things in perspective.

Well. It can be good. The problem is that it is combined with hysteria when the "wrong" people say certain things.

If Fortuyn had used the expression "FuckingMorroccans-kutmarrokkanen" he would have been cornered like a rat, but when Rob Oudkerk did the same he got away with it.

It seems that certain people and certain groups can say these things and others not.

Anyway that is not my point. The thing is that the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia collapsed happened when the elites that supported the Ancien Regime STOPPED believing in the ideology that propped up their power and the social system of those Multicultural empires. Once the intellectuals that are grown and nourished by the system stop supporting the ideology and start giving the cynism of top layer of society a voice, disbelief will spread through the lower ranks as well. Eventually the elite will lose their will to power and the ethnic and cultural chasms in society will open up.

Snouck said...

"Isn't laughter about cultural differences supposed to be a good thing?"

To paraphrase Pilate: "what is good?"

Muslims do not seem to like the smiles at the lame Danish Moh-toons, btw.