Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Right is doing Osama's work

I found an old column by advocate of Liberty and Conservatism Lew Rockwell. How the Right in the USA is worshipping at the altar of the State since the attack on the Twin Towers.

The Reality of Red-State Fascism

The Right is brownshirting itself and becoming more and more bloodthirsty, calling for the mass-killing of Liberals, Leftists and Muslims.

Paul Craig Roberts wrote reviews about 3 books on the same development. The Right is doing more to destroy US Freedom than Osama bin Laden ever could.


José said...

The Right is brownshirting itself and becoming more and more bloodthirsty, calling for the mass-killing of Liberals, Leftists and Muslims.

Man, you are exaggerating!
I agree that the Right is increasingly hating Liberals, Leftists and Muslims, but I have not read anyone calling for the mass-killing of them, except for Muslims in but Spencer usually deletes those comments.
If you have other sources please inform me.

Most of us hate them but we don´t call for their murdering, of course I would be delighted if their supporting ideas or beliefs where utterly destroyed.

Remember "hate the sin not the sinner". The Western Right is mostly Christian it would be strange to preach killing with that background. I admit that even hating is a sin, but we are weak as you know;-)

klientje said...

Sweetie, you need to spend some time in Middle America, far away from the insanity of the American Left.