Friday, January 20, 2006

The BNP is a National Socialist party says a reader

Snouck - you might not know this but the BNP are a national socialist party and notoriously anti-semitic. The first thing they would do if they ever got into power would be to abolish free speech.
Interesting comment Islamophobe and one I was hoping to provoke. Naturally when one looks at the Nationalist Right in the West, one is always wary, expecting to find Homophobia, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Semitism. Amongst those attracted to the position of the pro-ethnic Euro political parties, one can only expect people with a higher than average hostility to other ethnicities, which may translate in positions of seeing a conspiring bunch of Jews under every stone and behind every tree.

Therefore your suspicion of the BNP and Front National is warranted and I have shared the same suspicion. I was also convinced that Dutch nationalist parties such as the Centrum Democraten and CP '86 were sympathisers of National Socialism. During the 90ies therefore I was never interested in these Nationalist movements because the press confirmed my suspicions. However during the 2001-2002 Fortuyn revolution IT savvy supporters of Fortuyn set up pro-Fortuyn forums such as the now defunct where attacks in the media (De Linkse Kerk - The Church of the Left) would be analysed. One of the shocking things that the supporters of Fortuyn helped me understand is how the Church of the Left - the media routinely carries out these smear campaigns against those who try to break the PC consensus. Because the party programs of the Dutch Nationalist Centrum Democraten were not National Socialist or Fascist at all nor were the publications or the utterances of the leaders of these parties. However the press constantly tries to connect European Nationalists with National-Socialism and genocidal anti-semitism. I did not read the threat on nationalist splinter CP'86, but I closely followed the explanations of the messages in the press about the Centrum Democrats and the violent campaign by government subsidised Leftist groups against the Centrum Democrats. I was shocked when I found out how I had been misled by newspapers and journalists that I had mistakenly trusted. I was and perhaps am cocky and even arrogant about my media savvyness because they had pulled the wool over my eyes.

Islamophobe, I saw on your blog that you are aware of the slanted representation of the news on the BBC in their reports on Israel. The sad news is that the BBC is about as thrustworthy as good old Pravda concerning their coverage of the BNP.

Although the antecedents of the BNP are murky the party has turned around and distanced itself from Fascism, Nazism and Anti-Semitism. The party is now genuinly pro-democratic and takes a stance which is just pro-ethnic British. Off course there may still be members of the BNP who are Anti-Semitic and who use Jewish conspiracy theories for all instances where Europeans shoot or have shot themselves in the foot, just as there are Jews who blame everything that goes wrong with Jews on hatefull Goyim. However the leadership is purged of such people. If you visit the BNP website and you read their messages for months you will never find any pro-Nazi views nor any offensive remarks on Jews. None. Zero. En klum, shun-dabar. As far as this goes Israeli Jews are often sharper and more savvy in distinguishing between alleged anti-Semitism and the genuine article, also because most Israelis are themselves genuine Nationalists, so they recognize the true thing when they meet it. To give you a good Jewish source on the BNP, try Frontpagemag contributor Roger Locke, who wrote on the BNP:

"1. The BNP has now evolved to the point where it doesn't have any significant antagonism towards Jews as such, or towards Israel. Unlike the left, it has no interest in Palestinians or the larger Arab cause, and it takes the Islamic threat seriously. It has zero inclination to actively side against Israel, simply because it really wants to have nothing to do with the Middle East at all. Griffin said:

"As nationalists, our duty is to work to build a better country for our own people, not to worry about or interfere in the affairs of others. The Middle East is simply not our problem or our business." "


On the specific question of anti-Semitism, Griffin said this:

"Look -- we have very serious enemies in this country, both at home and abroad. If you're going to go with that old [National Front] nonsense of Jews under every bed and responsible for all the ills of the world, then you're going to have a crazy strategic vision of who you're fighting and what to do about it. The idea that 'the Jew is the enemy' is simply over for us now, and not a moment too soon, because now we can get on with the real struggles."

He qualified this by saying:

"We insist on the right to criticize individual Jews who do wrong or Jewish groups which use the influence and power that all organized and motivated groups have to lobby, for example, for British foreign policy to take directions at odds with our national interest. But there is a world of difference between such criticism and the old fantasies about Learned Elders of Zion controlling the world, and the rabid anti-Semitism that they reflect and incite." "

These quotes from Robert Locke's interview should point my readers in the right direction. Please read the whole interview, it is very instructive. Do not take my or Robert Locke's word for it. If you are British visit the BNP website at regularly and check what they put up there. Follow them for a few months and compare the reporting in the Main Stream Media. Then come to your own conclusions.

Further on Islamophobe says:

"so , the comparision to Vlams Blok(now Vlams Belang) is unfair, considering that Vlaams Belang is pro-Israel."

Snouck says: Vlaams Belang is pro-Israel, just like the Danske Folkeparti. The BNP is neutral towards Israel. Indeed there is a difference here. But I think that both British gentiles and British Jews would be hard pressed to find a better advocate for their long term interests than the BNP. But again, do not take my word for it but follow the BNP website closely for a while.

Islamophobe quotes: "

" Vlaams Belang doesn’t like Le Pen’s typically French views of centralisation, his anti-Americanism and his anti-Jewish scoldings and his political position against Israel. In Vlaams Belang’s view, Le Pen has the disastrous illusion that it’s France’s destiny to have a special, privileged relation with the Islamic world." "

Snouck says:
I agree with much of what wikipedia says here. The "French idea" is well embodied in Le Pen's ideology with regards to centralisation and economic policy. There is good reason with regards to Dutch and Flemish tradition to keep a distance from the Front National in this respect. However with regards to Le Pen's attitude towards Jews and Israel consider a interview with Le Pen from a few years ago in Haaretz (the Land) a centrist or centre Left Israeli newspaper, the interview is from 2002 or 2003 if I remember correctly. Read the whole interview. That is an order. I have been trying to find some quotes that can summarize and represent the whole interview, which I find very fair. I have also read reports of Vlaams Belang supporters who met Le Pen recently in a meeting in Gent, Belgium. They were all very impressed with him and with his answers to their questions. I can not read French beyond "vin, pain et fromage", so I can not judge this man so well. He definately has some dodgy connections to Eastern European shady characters that a Pole would not touch with a 10 foot Snouck, so I guess the man is no angel, but in politics there are very few "virgins". Neither Snouck nor someone who calls himself the "Islamophobe" should consider themselves beyond reproach.

Anyway, enjoy the Haaretz interview and wonder how long it will take before you will find anything so fair minded and intellectually challenging in the British Main Stream Media. Who are all bought and paid for by hook-nosed kike puppet masters, anyway. Damn...... I just had to say that, for some reason. Tell me WHERE did that come from, chaps?

I am off to have a beer, enjoy your weekend and do not do anything I would not do. I'll work on an article on the cover-up of Fortuyn's murder this weekend so keep checking this blog. You know you want to..... admit it.


José said...

How can anybody trust BBC? They manipulate people every day. For instance, they only inform of race or ethnicity if the crime is commited by a White but they silence it otherwise.

I find stupid and almost criminal to try to silence anyone that says a truth because he is a nazi. Truth is Truth and it doesn´t matter who transmit it. Facts, only facts.

José said...

Islamophobic you are too focused on the dangers of Islam, but there are many others, without denying the danger of Islam.

There are many other dangers, as powerful as Islam´s:

-The leftist "hate speech" laws that have already limited freedom of speech. How freedom lovers can keep silent whenever anyone goes to jail or is threated with it just for his ideas, be it true or untrue? For instance holocaust deniers go to jail in "free Europe", I find it most disgusting and shameful.

-The Zionist control of Media and Government, even in USA and Russia, they have got top Power in key countries of the world. Their hidden agenda I am afraid that leads to a totalitarian world regime.

-Liberals, Leftists, Zionists, all working for the destruction of Western Civilization, through mass immigration, destruction of marriage, Christianity, destruction of the love to the family, the nation and the race.

I know that I am going a step further than the PC speech but it is time things are discussed openly, with facts, without being accused of nazi, racist, fascist or anti-semitic.

José said...

why would you side with an Islamo fascist opinion? think. think. and think again.
islamofascist you haven´t understood, I repeat what I said "Truth is Truth and it doesn´t matter who transmit it. Facts, only facts. "

Your only concern is that if nazis or Hamas say that Zionists rule the Government and Media it must be false. Well it is true, Zionists overwhelming rule Media, Hollywood, international Bank and key Government offices. It is you who must think and check what I have said. I have thought on that for years.

I find curious that people instead of investigating rejects or admits opinions according to who says them.

The only reason that attacks on Islam are allowed is because help Zionists.

I repeat again, Islam is an Evil but Zionists too. I don´t have to be pro Arabs or pro Jews, neither against them, I am pro pro Western Civilization.

José said...

Sorry when I said islamofascist I meant islamoprobic.

Snouck said...

"(JMaria)The Zionist control of Media and Government, even in USA and Russia, they have got top Power in key countries of the world."

(Islamophobic)i forgot to add - that is something that the likes of Hamas or Hezbollah or the Iranian president would agree with 100 per cent.

why would you side with an Islamo fascist opinion?

Islamophobic, firstly I want to compliment you on the openmindedness you have shown with regards to Nick Griffin. I have in the previous post taken a position on JMaria's stance on Zionism. As far as your stance goes, what you are doing here is to try to tar JMaria's opinion by associating his opinion with the stance of Islamists. However if the Islamists or the Nazi's say that 2 plus 2 equals 4 no matter how odious they are, they are still right. So I think you should try better. "Guilty by association" is not very convincing and I would not be persuaded by it if I were JMaria.

José said...

Zionists are Jewish Nationalists.
Nationalist put their own people first. So how can Jewish Nationalists be "Evil" when they do the thing that we want for The Netherlands, for the USA, For Ireland of the UK. That is that we put our own people first?

Your point is valid from the point of view of a nationalist Jew but it is wrong if you are an American and you see that "foreigners" are ruling or controlling your country.
I can accept that there are American Jews that are first of all Americans but I am afraid that most of them are Jews and their true home is Israel. What are they doing in USA or Russia in key offices? I don´t think you have to be a genius to know it: influence the foreign policy of those countries and take advantage on their own people (Jews).

Islam is more clearly an Evil because they want to dominate the World and they don´t hide it as Zionists may be doing.

The big problem is the Left. Not the Jews,
I agree, but did you know that Soviet Revolution was organized and led by Jews in more than 90% of its first leaders? They were also financied by international bankers (predominantly Jews). This facts are usually "forgotten".

in Europe where there are hardly any Jews left,
Jewish population in 2005
France 606,561 Jews
Great Britain 302,207 Jews
Germany 107,160 Jews
Although Russia is not fully Europe it can be conceded that a part is Europe and they have 717,101 Jews.
The rest of European countries have a minor representation.
In total we have around 2,000,000 Jews, I don´t think that there are few.

But to say that these Jews cause the problems of the West is bollocks.
I agree because generalizations are stupid but there are a prominent role in West´s Evils caused by Jews, one of the most notorious is Communism. Others are Feminism and Multiculturalism.

José said...

islamophobic, you seem to have a problem of understanding, I will repeat it again and I hope that it will be the last, if you don´t understand it, please don´t make me lose my time:

Neither Muslims nor Zionists are my friends and I support none of them. Again?

You lack historical information if you don´t know that October Revolution was organized and financed bt Jews.