Friday, November 18, 2005

Media Conference blames the messenger

On the News XChange Broadcasting conference in Amsterdam media bosses and media staff discussed the slant that is given to the news in general and the negative image Islam and its followers have in particular:

"Between March and August 2005 the survey team carried out more than 2,400 online interviews in Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the US. Their findings included: Muslims rated lowest in overall favourability among various religious groups. Ignorance of and lack of empathy with Islam is widespread."

Despite the ongoing MultiCultural propaganda Europeans when asked to rank members of different religions will still rank Muslims lower than other religions such as Bhuddism or Hinduism.

So despite the fact that most people have internalised the fact that they have to mouth meaningless platitudes about all people being equal and Islam being a religion of peace, when they have to put a religion at the bottom they will still put Islam at the bottom.

According to the speakers this is because the media put followers in a negative light: "Wadah Khanfar, managing director of al-Jazeera, said many media and correspondents failed to differentiate between the Muslim religion and cultural tradition. He too agreed: "We should abandon simplistic coverage."

"It is the messenger", sez he.

The solution? "many European broadcasters stressed the need to avoid using inflammatory terms and to give airtime to moderate voices as well as extremists."

The media will give us more slant in order to correct the negative image of the muslim.

But is that what Islam needs? Ayaan Hirsi Ayaan, an apostate Somali Muslim says: "She accused Arab journalists of seeing all problems as caused by some outside force, and said they should engage in more self-reflection. Her remarks that "there is a total lack of freedom in the Arab and Islamic world", as well as "a lack of equality for and a culture of violence towards women"

The reaction of the represented Arab media present was: "angry denials and denunciations from many Arab and other journalists in the hall."

Basically proving that there is no self critisism amongst the Islamic media.

How can you see a blind spot if you are blind to it?

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